Over 10000 stars, 88 constellations and planets, moon from different locations.
Asynx Planetarium is a software program built for users who are passionate about the Universe, its constellations, the movement of the planets, or the phases of the Moon.
The application has a pretty basic GUI and it comes with various panels and toolbars, and some customization options. Yet, the toolbar icons are crafted very poorly and some colors used for creating the main work area are simply badly chosen.
Asynx Planetarium allows viewing 88 constellations, more than 2500 stars, and all the planets of the Solar System. It has three distinct viewpoints, which can be modified with ease - horizontal sky, and geocentric and heliocentric views.
In order to find more details about a specific planet, star or constellation, users only need to click on that certain 'thing' and read the data card. It includes information regarding the name of that body, the temperature, the distance from the Sun, and the rotation period.
To sum it up, Asynx Planetarium is an innovative software solution for astronomy enthusiasts. It's free, easy to use and it offers important information about the Universe.
- Provides viewing capabilities for 88 constellations
- Has three distinct viewpoints
- Offers detailed information about astronomical objects
- Has poorly-crafted toolbar icons
- Badly chosen theme colors
I have been using this software for several years.